The Mayor is the Chief Executive Officer of the city and shall perform such duties as may be required by statute or ordinance. The Mayor shall have supervision over all of the executive officers, heads of departments and employees of the city, and shall have the power and authority to inspect all books and records pertaining to the city affairs kept by any officer or employee of the city at any reasonable time.
The Mayor is elected for a four-year term, and shall serve until a successor is elected and has qualified, as provided by statute.
The Mayor of the City of Macomb is the local liquor control commissioner.
The Mayor’s Office is located on the first floor of City Hall, 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, Illinois.
Mayor Michael J. Inman is serving his fourth term, having first taken office in May, 2011.

Contact the Mayor's Office
Contact the Mayor's Office
Macomb Park District
Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce
Macomb Area Economic Development Corporation
Macomb Area Convention and Visitors Bureau
Macomb Spring Lake Park
McDonough County
Western Illinois University
Macomb School District 185
Spoon River College
Regional Office of Education 26
McDonough District Hospital
St. Paul School