Residential Façade Grant Program Completion

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34 homeowners successfully completed public-facing work and were awarded $301,738.81.

The Residential Façade Grant Program was a major success.

The Residential Façade Grant Program awarded 34 homeowners $301,738.81 to improve the facades of their houses (total program cost $321,738.21 with $20,000 in administration costs).
89% of awardees (34 out of 38) successfully completed the project. Given the reimbursement nature of the program, compliance has been quite simple with this program (successful final inspection triggers payment). With 72 eligible applicants (34 eligible applicants and no need for a 2nd round as originally envisioned, the demand exists for similar programs moving forward.
The project has also achieved the goal of stabilizing neighborhoods and benefiting low to moderate income folks. All quadrants of the City have been impacted and a diverse group of applicants has benefitted from the program. Many recipients have given very positive feedback on the program.

Key Figures:
• Total funds disbursed to recipients: $301,738.81.
• Total funds expended: $321,738.21.
• Total construction value: $480,981.00
• Per property cost to City: $9,462.89
• For every dollar of City investment, $1.49 construction value
• Per property construction value: $14,146.50
• Recipients Reimbursed: 34
• % recipient program completion: 89%

The complete Residential Façade Grant Report can be found below:
Residential-Facade-Grant-Program-Final-Report-10.13.2023.pdf (

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